Our Beliefs

We believe in one God in three persons, the holy trinity - God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

We believe that the only way to heaven is through the redemptive blood of Christ and your acceptance of Him as your Lord and Savior. 

We believe that God has placed the ability and desire for each of us to invite the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and create in us springs of living water. 

We believe that Jesus has given us, the church, the great commission of going out to spread the word of his death and resurrection, of the healing in His name and of salvation through belief and acceptance of Him as the Messiah. 

We believe in one baptism and that baptism is a visible outward sign of an inner change as you step into the family of God and accept His claiming of you and your claiming of Him. 

We believe the Bible is the living word of God and that every word, story and part is the truth. We believe that the Bible has the power to guide and direct even the most wayward among us. 

We believe the church is not a building of mortar and stone, but the living breathing creation in each of us and in common communion, we are the church - able to be a conduit of change for God, His hands, feet and heart on in this existence.

We believe that the bread and juice, when sanctified to be the living body and blood of Christ, represent the sacrifice given by Christ and spoke of in the last supper with his disciples in the upper room before his trial and death on the cross. 

We believe that Christ willingly gave His spirit on the cross and three days later rose from the grave and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God, the father.